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✓ After registering you need to ↡DOWNLOAD the full client.

✓ Also you can download our media but I recommend you to download the full client to avoid any future problems.

✓ To know more about our GAME or If you have any problem please visit our FB Groups. HERE


KillTheGM Event 1/16/2018

Fortress War No.1

KillTheGM Event 1/16/2018

Server Stats
Players Online : 0 / 1000
  • LoginServer : Online
  • GameServer : Online

    • Cap 120
    • CH & EU
    • Tradegoods Enabled
    • Magic-Pop Enabled
    • Max-Plus 22
    • Capture Flag Event Enbaled
    • Battle-Arena Enbaled
    • PC (HWID) Unlimited
    • Union Limit 8
    • Guild Limit 50
    • Filter : BitMax

  • Races EU & CH
  • Europe 2 Build.
  • Chinese 4 Build.
  • JOYSRO Main Town | Jangan.
  • Guild Start Level | 1.

  • Server Time
      • Time:
      • Fortress:
      • Fortress War: EveryWeek
      • CTF:

    Fortress War
      Jangan Fortress: TurkiYeM

    Latest 10 Unique Kills